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1.2 我提出了我的索赔。何时将对我的索赔作出裁决?

June 5, 2024



下面的索赔审核时间线图表反映了最新的审核索赔的状态。该时间线图的日期仅适用于有序提交的索赔, 也就是说,索赔申请拥有VCF 用以确定索赔人资格和计算赔偿金 所需的必要文件。由于未同所需文件一起提交而处于待用或搁置的索赔需要更长的时间进行审查,并不反映在该时间线图中。


1.2 Złożyłem/am wniosek. Kiedy zostanie podjęta decyzja w mojej sprawie?

June 5, 2024

Na ogół wnioski są rozpatrywane w kolejności napływania – na podstawie daty złożenia formularza wniosku. Oznacza to, że wnioski oczekujące na rozpatrzenie dłużej mają pierwszeństwo przed wnioskami nowymi. Wnioski zostają przedłożone do rozpatrzenia w pierwszej kolejności tylko wtedy, kiedy załączono do nich wszystkie wymagane informacje.


1.2 I filed my claim. When will a decision be made on my claim?

June 5, 2024

As a general rule, claims are reviewed in “first in, first out” order based on the date the Claim Form was submitted. This means the VCF prioritizes claims that have been waiting longer before beginning review of newer submissions. Claims are prioritized for review only after all required information has been submitted.

The VCF continues to work to shorten the timeframe needed to decide a claim and is working towards issuing determinations within one year of submission of the claim form or amendment (assuming all information needed to process the claim has been submitted).


1.2 Ya presenté mi reclamo. ¿Cuándo se decidirá?

June 5, 2024

Como regla general, los reclamos se revisan por orden de llegada, siguiendo el orden de la fecha en que se presentó el formulario de reclamo de compensación. Esto significa que el VCF prioriza los reclamos que han estado en espera por más tiempo antes de comenzar a revisar los reclamos más recientes. Los reclamos se priorizan para revisión sólo cuando toda la información requerida ha sido presentada.

Messages from the Special Master

Message from Special Master Allison Turkel

May 30, 2024

May 30th Memorial Glade Commemoration

Today, as we recognize the anniversary of the rescue, recovery and relief efforts at Ground Zero following the horrific events of September 11, 2001, I wanted to take a moment to honor the resilience, unity, and unwavering dedication displayed by all those involved in the aftermath of that fateful day.


1.1 I filed my claim. What happens next?

March 25, 2024

Once you file your claim, the first step the VCF takes is to do a preliminary review to confirm that all of the “minimally required” documents have been submitted. In addition to a complete Claim Form, we require the following documents before your claim can move forward for a more substantive review:

Messages from the Special Master

A Message from the Special Master

February 12, 2024

I was very proud to step into the role of Special Master in March 2023, particularly as a native New Yorker and someone who was raised to respect and value public service. In the months since, I have been struck by many things that I hadn’t fully anticipated – chief among them the need to inform the public about the VCF and to ensure that every person who might be eligible for a VCF award is aware of the program and has the resources and support they need to register and file a claim.


1.3 是否有任何情况可以加快对我的索赔的审核?

December 9, 2022



1.3 ¿Habrán algunas circunstancias en el que se pueda acelerar la revisión de mi reclamo?

December 9, 2022

Sí. En los casos que envuelvan enfermedades terminales o dificultad financiera significativa, usted puede pedir al VCF que acelere el procesamiento de su reclamo. El VCF considera “dificultad financiera significativa” una eminente o pendiente orden de desahucio o ejecución de hipoteca, o falta de vivienda, siempre y cuando sea demostrada con la documentación apropiada. Si usted desea acelerar su reclamo a base de una enfermedad terminal o dificultad financiera usted debe comunicarse con la línea de ayuda del VCF al 1-855-885-1555 y someter los documentos adecuados a su reclamo.

Messages from the Special Master

Message from the Special Master on the 21st Anniversary of the September 11th Attacks

September 9, 2022
Dear Friends, The anniversary of the September 11th attacks is always a time for reflection.  For me personally, this is the first anniversary since being appointed earlier this year as the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund’s (“VCF”) interim Special Master.  Despite my relatively short time in this role, I have been touched by the stories in each claim I have reviewed, and deeply impressed by the perseverance, resilience, and humility of the community our team serves.  Today, we continue to pay tribute to the lives lost and the community that came together during the recovery efforts in response to one of our country’s hardest challenges.
Messages from the Special Master

Message from the Incoming Special Master - August Flentje named Special Master for an interim period

April 29, 2022

It is an honor to step into the role of Special Master on an interim basis while the process to identify Rupa Bhattacharyya’s permanent successor is identified.  I have been a career civil service attorney with the Department of Justice since 1998, and have managed several Civil Division components for temporary periods, including the branch that has responsibility over the operations of the VCF.  In that capacity, I’ve worked with Rupa to help address issues that arise in the management of the VCF and am familiar with its functions and operation.  I look forward to working with the VCF aga

Messages from the Special Master

Message from the Special Master – Rupa Bhattacharyya Farewell

April 29, 2022

Dear Friends,

Messages from the Special Master

Message from the Special Master – Kimberly (Kim) C. Brown Joins the VCF as the Director of Operations

February 24, 2022

Kimberly (Kim) C. Brown has joined the VCF as the Director of Operations. In this new position, Kim will focus on overseeing the VCF’s day-to-day operations in areas such as the Helpline and the processing of hard copy mail, identifying opportunities for innovation as the VCF continues to move into its long-term status stemming from the passage of the VCF Permanent Authorization Act.

Messages from the Special Master

Message from the Special Master - Tenth Annual Status Report

February 9, 2022

The VCF successfully navigated another highly productive year in 2021, in a year that saw not one but two significant anniversaries: the 10th anniversary of the passage of the Zadroga Act, which created in the VCF, in January, and then the solemn reminder months later that twenty years have passed since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.


2.4 如果我现在没生病,还能注册吗? (添加日期:2021年7月30日)

July 30, 2021



1.12 我认为产品制造商或医生促成、导致或加剧了我的与9/11有关的病情(或促成或导致已故受害者的死亡)。我可以起诉该制造商或医生并仍然能参与VCF吗?

July 30, 2021

不可以。针对产品制造商的产品责任的诉讼,或针对医生的医疗事故的诉讼,是基于这样的法律理论:即该产品或医生导致、促成或加剧了与 9/11 相关的病情。这些类型的诉讼属于法律规定的豁免所适用的诉讼条款范围,而VCF是根据该法规运作的。这意味着:为了有资格获得赔偿,当您提交您的 VCF 索赔时,必须放弃参与此类诉讼的权利,并且必须满足 VCF的《 政策与程序》第 1.3 节 规定的和解和撤诉截止日期。

请注意,因为VCF 是诉讼替代项目,所以特别不鼓励任何解决诉讼的行动。如果您在适用期限之后,在豁免权适用的诉讼案中达成和解,即使您在您提起或和解诉讼时没有被诊断出或证明患有涵盖的病情,您将没有资格获得 VCF 赔偿。虽然 VCF 可以在适当的情况下对未及时撤诉的案件进行例外处理。但根据其法律规定,它不能对未及时和解的案件进行例外处理。


2.4 Jeśli nie jestem chory, czy mogę zarejestrować się? (Dodano: 30 lipca 2021 r.)

July 30, 2021

Tak. Rejestrację można złożyć cały czas – można to zrobić online lub dzwoniąc pod numer naszej Linii Pomocy 1-855-885-1555. Rejestrując się, zachowujesz swoje prawo do złożenia wniosku w przyszłości. Rejestracja nie zobowiązuje do złożenia wniosku w przyszłości, ale jeśli go złożysz, musisz zarejestrować się w Terminie Rejestracji odpowiednim dla Ciebie w celu uzyskania odszkodowania. Z tego powodu, zachęcamy wszystkich do złożenia rejestracji teraz, nawet jeśli nie jest się chorym.


1.12 ¿Si pienso que el producto manufacturado o el doctor contribuyó, causó, o empeoró mi condición relacionada al 11/9, (o contribuyó o causó la muerte de una víctima fallecida). Puedo demandar al manufacturero o al doctor y como quiera participar en e

July 30, 2021

No. Una demanda contra el producto manufacturado por responsabilidad del producto, o en contra del doctor por impericia médica, está basado en la teoría legal de que ese producto o ese doctor contribuyó, causó, o empeoró mi condición relacionada al 9/11.Este tipo de demandas cae bajo los términos del relevo de demandas del estatuto del cual el VCF opera.


2.4 Y si no estoy enfermo, ¿cómo quiera me tengo que registrar para el 21 de julio de 2021? (Añadido: 30 de julio de 2021)

July 30, 2021

Sí. Usted se puede registrar con el VCF en cualquier momento – ya sea en línea o llamando a la Línea de Ayuda al 1-855-885-1555. Al registrarse, usted preserva el derecho de presentar un reclamo en el futuro. Aunque el registrase no le obliga, si usted presenta un reclamo, usted tuvo que haberse registrado con el VCF dentro de su plazo de registro  aplicable para poder ser elegible para compensación.


2.4 What if I’m not sick, can I still register? (Added: July 30, 2021)

July 30, 2021

Yes. You can register with the VCF at any time – either online, or by calling our Helpline at 1-855-885-1555.  By registering, you preserve your right to file a claim in the future. Although registration does not obligate you to file a claim in the future, if you do file a claim, you must have registered with the VCF by your applicable Registration Deadline in order to be eligible for compensation.  For this reason, we encourage everyone to register now even if you are not sick.


1.12 I think that a product manufacturer or a doctor contributed to, caused, or exacerbated my 9/11-related condition (or contributed to or caused the death of a deceased victim). Can I sue the manufacturer or the doctor and still participate in the VCF?

July 30, 2021

No.  A lawsuit against a product manufacturer for product liability, or against a doctor for medical malpractice, is based on the legal theory that it was the product or the doctor that caused, contributed to, or exacerbated the 9/11-related condition.  These types of lawsuits fall within the terms of the lawsuit waiver set out in the statute under which the VCF operates.  This means that in order to be eligible for compensation, when you file your VCF claim, you must waive your right to participate in these types of lawsuits and must meet the settlement and dismissal deadlines set forth in


2.7 一旦我注册后,我提交索赔的截止日期是什么? (更新日期:2021年7月30日)

July 30, 2021


一旦您向VCF注册后,只有在获得世贸中心健康项目对与9/11相关的身体健康状况进行认证后,您才可以提出索赔。从现在到WTC健康项目在2090年结束之间的任何时间都可以提出索赔。如果您在没有得到认证的情况下提交索赔,VCF就会将您的索赔置于 “待用” 状态,您的索赔将保持该状态,直到您提交认证函之后才进行审核。有关更多详细信息,请参见常见问题解答3.3。

VCF鼓励您在获得认证并且已经知道您所遭受的损失的全部范围以后再提交索赔,这样,我们就能够尽快审核您的索赔, 以评估对您的赔偿资格。


2.5 我听说向VCF注册的截止日期曾是2021年7月29日。如果我在2021年7月29日之后注册会怎样?(更新日期:2021年7月30日)

July 30, 2021

