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Forms and Resources

This page includes links to VCF forms and resources to help you complete your claim.  Depending on the circumstances of your specific claim, you will not need to complete all the forms listed below.  Use our Document Checklist (Personal Injury and Deceased Victim Claim) to ensure you have provided the VCF with all the appropriate documentation in support of your claim.

Resources with an asterisk (*) are translated and can be viewed directly on our SpanishPolish and Chinese language pages.


Topic links to VCF policy





Claim Submission 
  • Document Checklist - Personal Injury - use this checklist if you are filing a claim for yourself, or filing for a deceased individual whose death is not believed to be related to a 9/11-related physical condition.


Eligibility Criteria and Deadlines



Eligible Conditions
Calculation of Loss (Compensation)



Awards and Payment 
Appeals and Hearings



You should amend if you are seeking a new determination based on new information.


Deceased Victim Claims
Information for Individuals with Attorneys

Under the VCF Act, attorneys may not charge any individual more than 10% of the amount of the individual’s VCF award.

If you are working with an attorney, they will receive your payment directly.


Expedite ProcessIn cases involving terminal illness or imminent financial hardship, you can request that the VCF expedite the processing of your claim or amendment. To request expedited processing, you must contact the Helpline and upload the required documentation to your claim.  
  • Claim Form - Hard Copy PDF-Fillable Form available for those who cannot submit via the Online Claims System.  The VCF will input your answers into the system on your behalf to submit your VCF Claim.
    • Appendix B: for presence at the Pentagon or Shanksville, PA site through the Claim Form. If completing the Private Physician Forms, please use Appendix D for presence and exposure at the two sites.
  • Claim Information Resolution Form - to resolve data discrepancy issues.
  • Collateral Offset Update Form - Instructions for notifying the VCF of new collateral offsets.
Claims System