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1.2 我提出了我的索赔。何时将对我的索赔作出裁决?

September 6, 2024



下面的索赔审核时间线图表反映了最新的审核索赔的状态。该时间线图的日期仅适用于有序提交的索赔, 也就是说,索赔申请拥有VCF 用以确定索赔人资格和计算赔偿金 所需的必要文件。由于未同所需文件一起提交而处于待用或搁置的索赔需要更长的时间进行审查,并不反映在该时间线图中。


1.2 Złożyłem/am wniosek. Kiedy zostanie podjęta decyzja w mojej sprawie?

September 6, 2024

Na ogół wnioski są rozpatrywane w kolejności napływania – na podstawie daty złożenia formularza wniosku. Oznacza to, że wnioski oczekujące na rozpatrzenie dłużej mają pierwszeństwo przed wnioskami nowymi. Wnioski zostają przedłożone do rozpatrzenia w pierwszej kolejności tylko wtedy, kiedy załączono do nich wszystkie wymagane informacje.


1.2 I filed my claim. When will a decision be made on my claim?

September 6, 2024

As a general rule, claims are reviewed in “first in, first out” order based on the date the complete Claim Form was submitted with all required information. This means the VCF prioritizes claims that have been waiting longer before beginning review of newer submissions. Claims are prioritized for review only after all required information has been submitted.


1.2 Ya presenté mi reclamo. ¿Cuándo se decidirá?

September 6, 2024

Como regla general, los reclamos se revisan por orden de llegada, siguiendo el orden de la fecha en que se presentó el formulario de reclamo de compensación. Esto significa que el VCF prioriza los reclamos que han estado en espera por más tiempo antes de comenzar a revisar los reclamos más recientes. Los reclamos se priorizan para revisión sólo cuando toda la información requerida ha sido presentada.


Law Firm Call Notes August 2024

August 28, 2024

Notes posted from the August 28, 2024 VCF conference call with law firms.


Definitive Proof of Presence

May 10, 2024

Definitive Proof of Presence Documentation

[May 10, 2024]: Added "Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (Port Authority)"

[April 26, 2024]: Added "Salvation Army" and "New York State Department of Environmental Conservation".

[September 18, 2023]: Added "TWU Local 100" for NYCTA employees presence information.

[June 15, 2023]: Added Volunteers Who Signed in at Trinity Church to list.

[May 8, 2023]: Added NY City Department of Sanitation to list.

[April 20, 2023]: Removed entry for TWU Local 100

Associated Document:

Email - Proof of Presence Website Updates – May 2, 2024

May 2, 2024

Email - Proof of Presence Website Updates – May 2, 2024


Email – VCF Policy Updates – May 1, 2024

May 1, 2024

Email – VCF Policy Updates – May 1, 2024


Email – myVCF Update – March 29, 2024

March 29, 2024

Email – myVCF Update – March 29, 2024


Claim Review Process

March 25, 2024
A summary of the claim review process.
Associated Document:

1.1 I filed my claim. What happens next?

March 25, 2024

Once you file your claim, the first step the VCF takes is to do a preliminary review to confirm that all of the “minimally required” documents have been submitted. In addition to a complete Claim Form, we require the following documents before your claim can move forward for a more substantive review:


Just the Facts

March 7, 2024
Just the Facts clarifies some common misconceptions about the VCF on a range of topics including who is eligible, how awards are determined, information on VCF registration deadlines, presence documentation, and how to register and file claims.
Associated Document:

VCF Info Sheet

March 7, 2024

Change Log:

March 7, 2024: added Shanksville, PA, and Pentagon site dates.

June 28, 2023: updated text with more information regarding debris removal eligibility.

July 30, 2021: Changes made to reflect updated information regarding registration deadlines.

Associated Document:

Email – VCF Process Update – February 23, 2024

February 23, 2024
Email – VCF Process Update – February 23, 2024
Associated Document:

Email – Process Change re_Appeal Hearing Transcript Requests

February 16, 2024
Email – Process Change re_Appeal Hearing Transcript Requests – February 16, 2024

Email – Reminder of USVSST Policy

February 13, 2024
Email – Reminder of USVSST Policy – February 13, 2024

Email – Replacement Services Policy – February 1, 2024

February 1, 2024

Email – Replacement Services Policy – February 1, 2024


Document Checklist - Deceased Victim Claim

February 1, 2024
Updated Document Checklist for Deceased claims.
Associated Document:

Document Checklist - Personal Injury

February 1, 2024
Updated Document Checklist for Personal Injury claims.

1.3 是否有任何情况可以加快对我的索赔的审核?

December 9, 2022



1.3 ¿Habrán algunas circunstancias en el que se pueda acelerar la revisión de mi reclamo?

December 9, 2022

Sí. En los casos que envuelvan enfermedades terminales o dificultad financiera significativa, usted puede pedir al VCF que acelere el procesamiento de su reclamo. El VCF considera “dificultad financiera significativa” una eminente o pendiente orden de desahucio o ejecución de hipoteca, o falta de vivienda, siempre y cuando sea demostrada con la documentación apropiada. Si usted desea acelerar su reclamo a base de una enfermedad terminal o dificultad financiera usted debe comunicarse con la línea de ayuda del VCF al 1-855-885-1555 y someter los documentos adecuados a su reclamo.


Email – Important Updates - Remove Function no longer available and Additional Guidance to Registration Tab – November 21, 2022

November 21, 2022

Email – Important Updates - Remove Function no longer available and Additional Guidance to Registration Tab – November 21, 2022


Email – Important Updates – VCF Policies and Procedures and System Maintenance – November 16, 2022

November 16, 2022

Email – Important Updates – VCF Policies and Procedures and System Maintenance – November 16, 2022