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1.4 我是否需要律师来提交索赔?

April 7, 2021



1.5 我如何添加或更改索赔上的律师?

April 7, 2021


您不应仅出于更改律师的目的而提交新的注册或索赔。 即使已经对您现有的索赔做出了裁决或支付了索赔,并且您打算对其进行修改以添加新的疾病或寻求额外赔偿,这也适用。一旦您提交《律师变更表》,VCF将更新您现有的索赔,而您的新律师将能够代表您提交任何修改或文件。


1.10 我是否可以向VCF和美国国家赞助的恐怖主义受害者基金(“USVSST基金”)都提出索赔?

April 7, 2021

可以,但是,根据法律,VCF须抵消与9/11袭击有关的其他间接款项来源所支付的任何收益。 因此,给也有资格获得VCF赔偿的受害者支付的USVSST基金付款将由VCF抵消。 需要明确的是,VCF必须抵消向同一受害人因9/11相关伤害而支付的USVSST基金付款。



3.1 WTC健康项目是否是VCF的一部分?

April 7, 2021



3.2 VCF是否从WTC健康项目得到我的医疗记录副本?我需要随我的索赔提交这些副本吗?

April 7, 2021

VCF与WTC健康项目有信息共享协议,所以会得到您的医疗记录副本。WTC健康项目只向VCF提供那些用来确定您是否有合格的,经认证的疾病的信息。我们从WTC健康项目所收到的信息包括疾病的名称,在WTC健康项目里该疾病所属的类别 (例如:癌症或上呼吸道疾病),以及相关的医疗诊断代码。如果WTC健康项目通知我们您已获合资格的身体健康状况的认证,我们就把该认证书作为您的合资格的疾病的证明。


Messages from the Special Master

Message from the Special Master - Ninth Annual Status Report

February 16, 2021

While it is impossible to review the past year without mention of the enormous challenges presented by COVID-19, and its particularly severe impact on the 9/11 community, I am proud to report that the VCF’s work on their behalf continued with almost no disruption throughout 2020.

Messages from the Special Master

Message from the Special Master on the Tenth Anniversary of the Signing of the Zadroga Act

January 4, 2021
Ten years ago, on January 2, 2011, President Obama signed into law the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, which established the World Trade Center Health Program and reactivated the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF).
Messages from the Special Master

Message from Special Master Sheila Birnbaum - VCF Reauthorization

December 30, 2015

Dear Friends,

On December 18, 2015, President Obama signed into law a bill reauthorizing the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010. This includes reauthorization of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (“VCF”) for another 5 years, which will benefit individuals impacted by the events of 9/11 and its aftermath.

Messages from the Special Master

Mensaje de la Auxiliar Judicial Sheila Birnbaum – Reautorización VCF

December 30, 2015

Estimados Amigos,

El 18 de diciembre del 2015, el Presidente Obama firmó la reautorización la Ley James Zadroga 11-S de Salud y Compensación. Esto incluye la reautorización del Fondo de Compensación de las Victimas del 11 de Septiembre (VCF por sus siglas en inglés) por 5 años más, el cual beneficiará a los individuos afectados por los eventos y secuelas del 9/11. 

Messages from the Special Master

Komunikat pani Syndyk Sheili Birnbaum dotyczący reaktywacji Funduszu VCF

December 30, 2015

Szanowni Państwo,  

18 grudnia 2015 r., Prezydent Obama podpisał przepisy reaktywujące Ustawę im. Jamesa Zadrogi o opiece zdrowotnej i odszkodowaniach dla ofiar 9/11 (James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act) uchwaloną w 2010 r. Dotyczy to również reaktywacji Funduszu Odszkodowań dla Ofiar 11 września (September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, VCF) na następne 5 lat, którego celem jest pomoc osobom dotkniętym wydarzeniami z 11 września i ich następstwami.  

Messages from the Special Master

来自特别监察官希拉∙伯恩鲍姆(Sheila Birnbaum)的消息——VCF 再次获批准

December 30, 2015


2015 年 12 月 18 日,奥巴马总统签署了一项法案,再次批准《2010 年詹姆士·扎德罗伽 9/11 健 康与赔偿法案》。这包括再次批准未来五年的 9/11 受害人赔偿基金(VCF),而受 9/11 事件及 其余波影响的人员将因此而受益。 

新法指示 VCF“尽快”向“A 组索赔”(即 2015 年 12 月 17 日或之前做出损失判定的索赔)的 索赔人支付“全额赔偿”。为满足此要求,我已调动额外工作人员去支持支付流程,从而在不影 响对我们的项目有至关重要的质量控制措施的前提下迅速支付相关款项。 

新法同时也要求对 VCF 有关评估 B 组索赔和计算相关损失的政策和流程做出重要改动。B 组索赔 即不属于新法所界定的 A组索赔的索赔。新法规定针对合格 B 组索赔人的资金。我正与我的团队 一起工作,以确定新法对索赔人以及我们的日常运作的影响。 

在制定新的政策及流程的同时,我们也在重新评估提出索赔所需的文件(包括索赔表和附加材 料)、提出和审查索赔的系统以及在我们网站上公布的信息。我将此看作复审我们的索赔表、重 新设计我们的在线系统并调整相关流程的机会,从而满足新的要求,并提高我们的工作效率。

Messages from the Special Master

Message from Special Master Sheila Birnbaum

September 9, 2015

This September 11th, the Victim Compensation Fund (“VCF”) focuses its attention on the work that remains ahead of us. Our commitment to this work is the most important way the Fund can honor the sacrifice of those who were lost on September 11, 2001, and those who continue to struggle.

Messages from the Special Master

Message from Special Master Sheila Birnbaum

July 20, 2015

I am proud to announce that the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) has made loss determinations of more than $1.3 billion. As of June 30, 2015, the VCF has approved 11,770 eligibility claims and made 5,636 loss decisions, totaling $1,310,149,991. First responders account for 91 percent of the total loss amount. Individuals with cancer diagnoses account for 18 percent of the awards. This information and additional updated program statistics are available.

Messages from the Special Master

Message from Special Master Sheila Birnbaum

April 8, 2015

I am proud to announce that the VCF has made loss determinations of more than $1 billion. As of March 31, 2015, the VCF has approved 10,549 eligibility claims and rendered 4,415 loss decisions, totaling $1,058,398,144. First responders account for 92 percent of the total loss amount. Individuals with cancer diagnoses account for 27 percent of the awards. This information and additional updated program statistics are available.

Messages from the Special Master

Special Notice Regarding Denied Claims

February 9, 2015

The VCF will deny eligibility claims when claimants do not respond to multiple requests for missing information. Many eligibility claims are submitted without required supporting documents. The VCF makes multiple attempts to work with the claimant and/or the attorney to obtain the necessary supporting documentation so that the VCF can determine eligibility. If the claimant does not respond to this outreach (after a minimum of two requests) the VCF will deny the eligibility claim.

Messages from the Special Master

Message from Special Master Sheila Birnbaum

January 15, 2015

Today, the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) issued updated program statistics. As of Jan. 2, 2015, the VCF has found 9,677 claimants eligible for compensation and has made 3,128 compensation determinations (approximately 67 percent of the compensation claims that have been submitted with appropriate supporting documentation). The total value of those compensation determinations is $804,116,233.

Messages from the Special Master

A message from Special Master, Sheila Birnbaum, on the special notice announcing updated claim forms available for cancer claimants

December 13, 2012

Dear Claimants,

The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund has updated the Personal Injury and Deceased Individual claim forms to include the types of cancer that NIOSH has added to the list of WTC-Related Health Conditions. The updated forms are now available online through the Claims Management System.

You will find the eligible types of cancer listed in Part III of the claim form. Please see FAQ 3.21 for details on how to add cancer to your existing claim.

Messages from the Special Master

A message from Special Master, Sheila Birnbaum, on the special notice announcing certain types of cancer added to the list of WTC-Related Health Conditions

October 15, 2012

Dear Claimants,

The final rule adding certain types of cancer to the List of WTC-Related Health Conditions took effect on Friday, October 12, 2012.

Messages from the Special Master

Un mensaje de Sheila Birnbaum, Magistrada Especial, sobre el aviso especial que anuncia que se han agregado ciertos tipos de cáncer a la Lista de Afecciones de Salud relacionadas con el World Trade Center

October 15, 2012

Estimados Reclamantes: 
La norma definitiva que agrega ciertos tipos de cáncer a la Lista de Afecciones de Salud relacionadas con el World Trade Center entró en vigencia el viernes 12 de octubre de 2012. 

Messages from the Special Master

Wiadomość od Special Master, Sheila Birnbaum, dotycząca powiadomienia o określonych typach chorób nowotworowych, które zostały dodane do „List of WTC-Related Health Conditions” („Listy chorób związanych z wydarzeniami w WTC”).

October 15, 2012

Szanowni Państwo, 
Ostatecznie przepis, na podstawie którego dodano określone typy chorób nowotworowych do Listy chorób związanych z wydarzeniami w WTC wszedł w życie 12 października 2012 r.  

Messages from the Special Master

来自专案助理,Sheila Birnbaum的讯息- 关于宣布把某些类型的癌症纳入到与世贸中心(WTC)相关的健康状况清单的特别通知

October 15, 2012

根据VCF的要求,如果您在2012年10月12日或之前,知道(或理应知道),身患被涵盖的癌症,您必须在2014年 10月12日之前提交您的索赔,以便让VCF进行审议。如果您在2012年10月12日后才知道患有被涵盖的癌症 ,那么,您必须在知道(或理应知道)患有被涵盖癌症之日起,两年之内,提交索赔,以便让VCF进行审议。例 如,如果您在2012年5月1日知道您患有被涵盖的癌症,您将必须在2014年10月12日前提交您的索赔。但是,如 果您在2013年1月1日知道您 患有被涵盖癌症,您将必须在2015年1月1日前提交您的索赔。 
已被确诊患有被涵盖癌症的个人,如果该癌症根据世界贸易中心(WTC)健康计划所制定的标准,被确定为因9/1 1袭击事件造成,同时,满足VCF的其他资格条件,就会符合资格,获VCF赔偿。有关VCF资格要求和纳入与WT C相关健康状况清单癌症类型的更多资料,请看VCF常见问题解答。 

Messages from the Special Master

Statement on the final rule by the National Institute For Occupational Safety and Health to include certain cancers into the World Trade Center Health Program.

September 10, 2012

Sheila Birnbaum, Special Master of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF), released the following statement on the final rule by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to include certain cancers into the World Trade Center Health Program:

Messages from the Special Master

Declaración Sobre la Decisión Final del NIOSH (Instituto Nacional de Seguridad Ocupacional y Salud) Para Incluir Ciertos Tipos de Cáncer en el Programa de Salud del World Trade Center

September 10, 2012

Sheila Birnbaum, Magistrada Especial del September 11th Victim Compensation Fund [Fondo de Compensación para las Víctimas del 11 de septiembre (VCF)], dio a conocer la siguiente declaración sobre la decisión final del Instituto Nacional de Seguridad Ocupacional y Salud (NIOSH) en la cual se incluyen ciertos tipos de cánceres en el Programa de Salud del World Trade Center:  

Messages from the Special Master

Oświadczenie Dotyczące ostatecznej Decyzji Narodowego Instytutu Bezpieczeństwa i Higieny Pracy W Sprawie Włączenia Niektorych Nowotworów do Programu Opieki Zdrowotnej WTC.

September 10, 2012

Sheila Birnbaum, Syndyk Funduszu Odszkodowań dla Ofiar z 11 września (ang. September 11th Victim Compensation Fund - VCF), wydała następujące oświadczenie dotyczące ostatecznej decyzji Narodowego Instytutu Bezpieczeństwa i Higieny Pracy (NIOSH) w sprawie włączenia niektórych nowotworów do Programu Opieki Zdrowotnej WTC:  

Messages from the Special Master


September 10, 2012

Sheila Birnbaum, 9/11 受害人赔偿基金特别助理,对国家职业安全和健康研究所把某些癌症疾病纳入世界贸易中心健康计划的 最终规则发表如下声明:  
“正如我先前所说,9/11受害人赔偿基金(VCF)基金将会遵循由负责世界贸易中心健康计划(健康计 划)运作的国家职业安全和健康研究所(NIOSH)的医生和科学家所主持进行的医学分析。如果个别 人士已确诊患有现已增添进健康计划中的其中一种癌症,该癌症根据健康计划制定的标准,被确定为因 9/11恐怖袭击所造成,同时,这些人士必须满足VCF的其它资格条件,那么,他们将有资格获得VCF赔 偿。这些标准包括,证明在2001年9月11日至2002年5月30日期间,身在坠机现场之一;证明特定的身 体状况是因恐怖相关坠机事件或坠机现场的残骸清理直接造成;以及证明身体伤害从被发现之日起,在 合理的时间内,得到医疗专业人员的治疗。”