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Messages from the Special Master

Message from the Special Master – Auggie

March 10, 2023

It has been a true honor to serve as interim Special Master for the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (“VCF”).  This is an important mission and an incredible team that works hard every day to serve those who are suffering illnesses stemming from the terrorist attacks perpetrated over 20 years ago.  It has been my goal to ensure continuity during the search and hiring of a permanent Special Master so that the good work of this team continued without delay, and I hope I have met that goal. 


February 2023 Monthly Statistics Report

February 28, 2023

Statistics as of February 28, 2023

Associated Document:
Messages from the Special Master

Message from the Special Master – Eleventh Annual Status Report

February 6, 2023

The VCF completed its 11th year of operation in 2022, a year that brought with it measurable progress, continued challenges, and notable transitions – the most significant of which was the departure of Special Master Rupa Bhattacharyya in April 2022, after nearly six years of dedicated and extraordinary service at the VCF, and 27 years with the Department of Justice. Rupa’s far-reaching contributions will continue to benefit the 9/11 community for years to come, and she has my deepest gratitude for her service to this community.


VCF 2022 Annual Report

February 6, 2023

The VCF released its eleventh Annual Report, which details new initiatives underway to sustain the VCF as a permanent program through 2090. 2022 brought with it measurable progress, continued challenges, and notable transitions, the most significant being the departure of Special Master Rupa Bhattacharyya in April 2022. Despite this, the VCF continued to see another successful year in service to the 9/11 community, and the VCF ended 2022 having awarded a cumulative total of nearly $10.9 billion to over 49,000 individuals.

Associated Document:

January 2023 Monthly Statistics Report

January 31, 2023

Statistics as of January 31, 2023

Associated Document:

3.4 The WTC Health Program announced the addition of Uterine Cancer to the list of covered cancer conditions effective January 18, 2023. Can I receive compensation for my Uterine Cancer if it is newly certified by the WTC Health Program and I already file

January 18, 2023

Yes.  As of January 18, 2023, all Uterine Cancers, including endometrial cancers, have been added to the List of WTC-related Health Conditions, and are therefore eligible for compensation from the VCF, as long as all other eligibility requirements are met.

If your claim was previously denied because you did not have an eligible condition, and your Uterine or endometrial cancer is certified by the WTC Health Program, you may amend your claim.  The VCF will review the new information and notify you of the outcome of our review. 


1.3 Are there any circumstances under which the review of my claim can be accelerated?

October 17, 2018

Yes. In cases involving terminal illness or significant financial hardship, you can request that the VCF expedite the processing of your claim. The VCF considers “significant financial hardship” to include an imminent or pending foreclosure or eviction proceeding, utility cut off, or other similar circumstances, as demonstrated by appropriate documentation.

Messages from the Special Master

A Message from Special Master Rupa Bhattacharyya

October 2, 2018

Dear Friends,

When Congress reauthorized the VCF in 2015, it extended the time for individuals to submit new claims – as well as amendments on existing claims – until December 18, 2020. The Reauthorization Act also directed me, as the Special Master, to periodically reassess the VCF’s policies and procedures to make sure that we prioritize claims for individuals who suffer from the most debilitating physical conditions, and that we do not exceed the $7.375 billion in funds appropriated to the VCF.


7.3 ¿El proceso de Médico Privado está disponible únicamente para las personas fallecidas que anteriormente fueron certificadas por el Programa de Salud del WTC...

August 28, 2018

El proceso de Médico Privado continuará estando disponible para todos los reclamos – fallecimiento o lesiones personales – donde la víctima ya había sido previamente certificada por el VCF para una condición certificada y ahora está buscando añadir un cáncer.  Por favor, tenga en cuenta que el individuo tiene que haber sido previamente certificado por al menos una condición elegible y haber sido considerado elegible para compensación por el VCF, para buscar la verificación de un cáncer mediante el proceso de Médico Privado.  Para las personas que reclaman por cáncer y que actualmente no est


7.3 Czy proces weryfikacji lekarza prywatnego jest dostępny tylko w przypadku osób zmarłych, które uzyskały uprzednio zaświadczenie z Programu Zdrowia WTC...

August 28, 2018

Proces weryfikacji lekarza prywatnego pozostanie dostępny dla wszystkich wniosków – osób zmarłych i osób z uszkodzeniami ciała – w przypadkach, kiedy poszkodowany uprzednio już uzyskał odszkodowanie za uszczerbek na zdrowiu, a teraz zgłaszany jest dodatkowo nowotwór.  Prosimy zauważyć, że osoba taka musi posiadać, co najmniej jeden uszczerbek na zdrowiu zakwalifikowany do leczenia i uprawniający do uzyskania odszkodowania od VCF, aby móc ubiegać się o zaświadczenie dotyczące nowotworu za pośrednictwem procesu weryfikacji przez lekarza prywatnego.  Osoby zgłaszające nowotwór, które nie posia


7.3 私人医生流程只可用于那些曾经被WTC健康项目认证,

August 28, 2018

私人医生流程将仍可用于所有的索赔--死亡或人身伤害--根据经认证的疾病,受害者之前就被认定有资格获得VCF的赔偿,现在正在寻求增加癌症。 请注意:此个人必须事先已获得至少一项对合资格的疾病的认证,并被视为有资格获得VCF的赔偿,以便通过私人医生流程寻求对癌症的验证。对于那些目前未获得WTC健康项目对任何疾病的治疗认证且声称患有癌症的个人,他们必须参加WTC健康项目以获得对此癌症的认证,尽管他们当然可以继续接受他们的主治医生的治疗。


6.2 How long can my attorney hold my payment before disbursing it to me?

August 21, 2018

It is the Special Master’s expectation that law firms will disburse payments to their claimants within 30 days of the money being deposited into the law firm account.


6.2 ¿Por cuánto tiempo mi abogado puede retener mis pagos antes de desembolsarlos?

August 21, 2018

La expectativa de la Magistrada Especial es que los bufetes de abogados desembolsen los pagos a los reclamantes dentro de los 30 días en que se depositó el dinero en la cuenta del bufete de abogados.


6.2 Jak długo mój prawnik może wstrzymywać moją wypłatę?

August 21, 2018

Syndyk oczekuje, że kancelarie będą przekazywać wnioskodawcom wypłaty należne z tytułu złożonych wniosków w ciągu 30 dni od momentu wpływu na rachunek kancelarii.


6.2 我的律师在将赔款支付给我之前可以持有该赔款多长时间?

August 21, 2018


Messages from the Special Master

A Message from Special Master Rupa Bhattacharyya

July 24, 2018

Dear Friends,

When I stepped into the role of Special Master two years ago, I was focused on our number one priority: to process and pay claims with thoughtful consideration and without unnecessary delay. Although I knew there were challenges ahead, I was eager to build on the progress the VCF team had made since the passage of the Zadroga Act in 2010 and its reauthorization in December 2015.

Messages from the Special Master

Message from Special Master Rupa Bhattacharyya

May 10, 2018

Dear Friends,

As a team, the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (“VCF”) remains committed to awarding compensation as quickly and fairly as possible, and to handling each claim with the individual attention it deserves. The program statistics report we are issuing today reflects the strong and steady progress of the VCF under its current leadership team.