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Messages from the Special Master

A Message from Special Master Rupa Bhattacharyya

July 24, 2018

Dear Friends,

When I stepped into the role of Special Master two years ago, I was focused on our number one priority: to process and pay claims with thoughtful consideration and without unnecessary delay. Although I knew there were challenges ahead, I was eager to build on the progress the VCF team had made since the passage of the Zadroga Act in 2010 and its reauthorization in December 2015.

Messages from the Special Master

Message from Special Master Rupa Bhattacharyya

May 10, 2018

Dear Friends,

As a team, the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (“VCF”) remains committed to awarding compensation as quickly and fairly as possible, and to handling each claim with the individual attention it deserves. The program statistics report we are issuing today reflects the strong and steady progress of the VCF under its current leadership team.

Messages from the Special Master

Message from Special Master Rupa Bhattacharyya

February 13, 2018

Dear Friends

Today, the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (“VCF” or “Fund”) publishes its Sixth Annual Status Report and the second Annual Reassessment of Policies and Procedures required under the terms of the Reauthorized Zadroga Act, Pub. L. No. 114-113 (Dec. 18, 2015). The report details the activities, advances, and accomplishments of a very productive year at the VCF.


7.4 I live outside the continental Unites States. Do I need to go to the WTC Health Program to have my condition certified for treatment?

February 1, 2018

No. As a foreign resident, living outside the U.S., you are able to have your conditions verified through our Private Physician process. You should complete the Private Physician forms either as part of your online claim submission or by using the forms on our website. The VCF will work directly with the WTC Health Program to verify your condition(s) as eligible for compensation.

If you have questions about your particular situation, please contact the Helpline at 1-855-885-1555.


7.5 Yo resido fuera de los Estados Unidos. ¿Necesito ir al Programa de Salud del WTC para obtener mi condición certificada para tratamiento?

February 1, 2018

No. Al residir en el extranjero, fuera de los Estados Unidos, usted puede utilizar nuestro proceso de Médico Privado para verificar su condición o condiciones. Usted tendrá que completar los formularios de Médico Privado cuando esté completando su reclamo en línea, el formulario está disponible en nuestra página web. El VCF trabajará directamente con el Programa de Salud del WTC para verificar su condición o condiciones elegibles para compensación.


7.5 Mieszkam poza Stanami Zjednoczonymi. Czy ja tez musze skierować się do Programu Zdrowia WTC w celu kwalifikacji do objęcia leczeniem?

February 1, 2018

Nie. Mieszkaniec innego kraju na stale przebywający poza Stanami Zjednoczonymi może mieć uszczerbek na zdrowiu uznany przez proces weryfikacji lekarza prywatnego. Prosimy o wypełnienie Formularza Weryfikacji Lekarza Prywatnego podczas wypełniania formularzu wniosku lub wykorzystując formularz dostępny na naszej stronie. VCF przy współpracy z Programem Zdrowia WTC uzna Państwa uszczerbek na zdrowiu jako uprawniający do otrzymania odszkodowania.


7.5 我住在美国大陆以外的地方。我需要去WTC健康项目对我的疾病进行治疗认证吗?

February 1, 2018



Messages from the Special Master

A Message from Special Master Sheila Birnbaum

October 17, 2014

Fiscal Year 2014 was a very productive year at the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. In our first two years, we were focused on everything required to start a significant new program, including hiring staff, developing claim forms and ways to process those forms, and reaching out to prospective claimants to file their claims. This year, we were focused on processing and paying claims, and we have seen positive results.

Messages from the Special Master

A Message from Special Master Sheila Birnbaum

September 9, 2014

Every year on September 11th we reflect on the lives that were forever changed by that terrible day. At the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, we are working harder than ever to assist the survivors who have been injured as a result of 9/11. We have made great strides in the past year, resulting in 7,885 claimants being found eligible to receive compensation and issuing 1,843 compensation decisions totaling $493,768,674. But this somber anniversary is, for the Fund, not a moment to pause, but rather a reminder that we must increase our efforts and build on our recent progress.

Messages from the Special Master

A Message from Special Master Sheila Birnbaum

July 3, 2014

Today, the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) issued updated program statistics. This report shows the progress we have made over the past few months. As of June 30, 2014, the VCF has issued 7,075 eligibility decisions and 1,145 compensation decisions. For the second quarter in a row, the number of issued compensation decisions has increased by more than 100% over the previous quarter.

Messages from the Special Master

A Message from Special Master Sheila Birnbaum

April 10, 2014
Updated VCF Program Statistics and Nell McCarthy joins VCF Leadership Team.
Messages from the Special Master

A Message from Special Master Sheila Birnbaum - First VCF Appeal Hearings Convened

February 10, 2014

I am pleased to announce that the first VCF appeal hearings were held on January 29, 2014 at the VCF office in New York City.

All claimants have the opportunity to appeal the VCF decision if their claim is denied as ineligible due to such circumstances as missing proof of presence, or if a particular injury or illness is denied as ineligible. A claimant also has the opportunity to appeal a compensation calculation.

Messages from the Special Master

A message from Special Master, Sheila Birnbaum, on the special notice announcing updated claim forms available for cancer claimants

December 13, 2012

Dear Claimants,

The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund has updated the Personal Injury and Deceased Individual claim forms to include the types of cancer that NIOSH has added to the list of WTC-Related Health Conditions. The updated forms are now available online through the Claims Management System.

You will find the eligible types of cancer listed in Part III of the claim form. Please see FAQ 3.21 for details on how to add cancer to your existing claim.

Messages from the Special Master

A message from Special Master, Sheila Birnbaum, on the special notice announcing certain types of cancer added to the list of WTC-Related Health Conditions

October 15, 2012

Dear Claimants,

The final rule adding certain types of cancer to the List of WTC-Related Health Conditions took effect on Friday, October 12, 2012.

Messages from the Special Master

Un mensaje de Sheila Birnbaum, Magistrada Especial, sobre el aviso especial que anuncia que se han agregado ciertos tipos de cáncer a la Lista de Afecciones de Salud relacionadas con el World Trade Center

October 15, 2012

Estimados Reclamantes: 
La norma definitiva que agrega ciertos tipos de cáncer a la Lista de Afecciones de Salud relacionadas con el World Trade Center entró en vigencia el viernes 12 de octubre de 2012. 

Messages from the Special Master

Wiadomość od Special Master, Sheila Birnbaum, dotycząca powiadomienia o określonych typach chorób nowotworowych, które zostały dodane do „List of WTC-Related Health Conditions” („Listy chorób związanych z wydarzeniami w WTC”).

October 15, 2012

Szanowni Państwo, 
Ostatecznie przepis, na podstawie którego dodano określone typy chorób nowotworowych do Listy chorób związanych z wydarzeniami w WTC wszedł w życie 12 października 2012 r.